Everything You Need to Know About Notarize’s Transition to Proof

When we announced Proof in June, we shared our vision for trust in the digital world. With Proof, we’re backing your transactions with strong identification and cryptographic evidence, making signatures harder to forge and documents easier to trust.
Starting Thursday, August 10, we will begin preparing the platform for a full brand transition that will occur on September 14. This article captures everything you need to know between now and September – and what you need to do to prepare.
New Look & Feel
On September 14, we will fully incorporate the Proof brand across our platform. This will involve replacing the Notarize logo with the Proof logo, implementing the Proof branding color palette, updating copy, and changing the imagery in your portal to match our new identity.
Notarize will continue to provide access to the largest on-demand notary network, where notaries – and now trusted referees – are available around the clock in less than a second. Notarize will remain as a child brand of Proof.
Product Functionality
While you can expect a brand refresh across the platform, the core product functionality will remain exactly the same as it is today.

Over the last few months, we’ve released significant platform enhancements to align the platform with our vision for Proof. These updates included:
- Reimagining our Information Architecture
- Unveiling the Proof transaction type with NIST IAL2-level identification
- Launching the first on-demand trusted referee network
- Adding an Identity tab as part of our Enhanced Signer Identification.
Concurrent Access via Notarize.com and Proof.com
Starting August 10, we will run the Notarize and Proof URLs concurrently at app.notarize.com and app.proof.com. The Proof and Notarize URLs will work for both our Fairfax test environment and live production environment.
This will be the exact same platform, but accessible from two different URLs and will remain that way for 30 days. We encourage you to bookmark your most important pages on the new Proof URLs to prepare you for a smooth transition to the Proof domain.
On September 14, all Notarize URLs will redirect to Proof URLs, so you will always get to the right place.
Customers should ensure that they can access our site from app.proof.com while we’re in this transition. Some companies may need to update IT firewall or browser policies before employees can access our system via a new URL. Now is the time to share this technical resource with your IT department.
Email Notifications
Companies will need to update their firewalls, spam filters, and proxy allow lists to permit access to the Proof website (ex. proof.com; support.proof.com) and receipt of Proof emails (@proof.com).
Updating these lists will ensure complete access to Proof, its resources, and important communications.
Emails from our Fairfax test environment will begin sending from @proof.com on August 10. Emails from our live production environment will begin sending from @proof.com on September 14.
Please share this technical resource with your IT team for additional guidance.
Business Operations
Our company is now known as Proof. However, you may continue to see references to Notarize or “Notarize, Inc. (dba Proof.com)” in certain communications. This means nothing will change about payments for the time being.
- You should still send checks to Notarize, Inc.
- You should still list Notarize on checks or payment (ACH, Wire)
- You will still get invoices from Notarize
- Signers who must pay to access their transactions will still be charged by Notarize.
For any questions or concerns about payments, please contact finance@notarize.com.
API Changes
Proof will support the Notarize API indefinitely to maintain the functionality of existing integrations.
Please share this technical resource with your IT and/or developer teams to ensure future integrations are developed using the Proof API.
Have More Questions?
If you require help with your transition, please contact support@notarize.com.